Home Plant with Red and Green Leaves Close Up Stock Image Image of light, floral 145035663

Muskogee Crape Myrtle ( Lagerstroemia indica 'Muskogee') The crape myrtle 'Muskogee' cultivar is a lovely deciduous shrub or small tree with leaves that turn red-orange in the fall. Its oblong leaves are 4" long and are dark green in summer. The shrub has an upright, spreading growth and a vase shape.
10 Spectacular Red Foliage Tropical Plants for Your Garden Dengarden

Best Red Leaf Plant Varieties. 1. Red-Leaf Japanese Maple. Botanical Name: Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum'. USDA Zones: 5-9. The Red-Leaf Japanese Maple is a showstopper among Plants with Red Leaves. This tree is perfect for adding color and interest to your landscape. The compact size makes it ideal for small gardens and containers.
Red leaf Amaranth GreenFuse Photos Garden, farm & food photography

4. Salsa Rex Begonia. Botanical Name: Begonia Rex 'Salsa'. The dark-green variegated leaves have red-burgundy hues and splashes of pink shade with a touch of silver highlights. 5. Lipstick Echeveria. Botanical Name: Echeveria agavoides. This beautiful succulent forms a rosette of sharp, plumped, bright green leaves with charming red tips.
Houseplant With Red And Green Leaves Property & Real Estate for Rent

Aglaonema cultivars with stunning red and green leaves: from left to right: 'Siam Aurora', 'Red Anjamani' and 'Valentine'. Chinese evergreen plants have some cultivars that have variegated red and green leaves. Chinese evergreens have broad, elongated elliptic leaves in many attractive shades and colors.
Small plants with red and green leaves growing in the soil in a vegetable garden. Stock Photo

An upright, evergreen shrub with red or purple and green leaves, yellow flowers, and round, inconspicuous red fruit, the Ti Plant is grown for its ornamental value as an accent plant or in mass planting for larger landscapes. It is commonly used in Hawaii as a component for making dancing skirts. Botanical Name: Cordyline fruticosa; Origin: Unknown
10 Spectacular Red Foliage Tropical Plants for Your Garden Dengarden

Arguably one of the most stunning variegated indoor houseplants is the Calathea White Fusion. Many leaves have white marks and light shades of pink, purple, and green. This plant can be a little more challenging to grow and care for than some others, but if you have the time and patience, it's worth it.
10 House Plants with Red Leaves (with pictures) My Little Jungle

Aglaonema 'Valentine'. A picturesque Valentine Aglaonema has broad and colorful leaves. The raspberry red leaves with dark green freckles and edges make this tropical plant an excellent gift for your valentine. Aglaonema 'Siam Aurora'. Siam Aurora's lanceolate leaves have a green-colored center.
Tips for Growing Colorful Coleus Plants, Foliage plants, Red plants

4. Croton. Botanical Name: Codiaeum variegatum. The Croton celebrates colors, with each leaf showing off green, red, and sometimes yellow. This plant is a natural highlight in any space, especially for sunny spots like south-facing windows or front door entrances. 6. Polka Dot Plant.
How to Care for Croton Plants Croton plant care, Plants, Small flowering plants

Codiaeum variegatum 'Mammy Red'—Long, curling leaves with bright red, orange, green, and yellow patterns characterize the 'Mammy Red' croton plant.This fiery-looking plant is a popular houseplant for its upright growth. Codiaeum variegatum 'Bush on Fire'—The multicolored dark lanceolate leaves of this croton houseplant are dark red and green with yellowish or orange highlights.
Close Up Red and Green Leaves of Decorative Plants. Stock Photo Image of summer, detail 105008548

A red-leafed plant contains a pigment called anthocyanin which contributes to its eye-catching appearance, while green plants attribute their color to the pigment cell, chlorophyll. Plants with red leaves are not super rare in the plant world, so you could find a dazzling plant for your landscape or a beautiful houseplant to accent your home with ease.
Top 15 Houseplants with Red and Green Leaves Adorn Your Home

11: 'Red Emperor' Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema 'Red Emperor') @ carling1420. Native of Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia, the genus Aglaonema offers us a few varieties with red for your indoor spaces, for example, the romantic 'Valentine' or the popular 'Siam Aurora'.
15 Awesome House Plants With Red And Green Leaves (Well Researched) Gardening Tips And Tricks

Red leaf plants provide dramatic hues of crimson, burgundy, maroon, and deep pink to any house interior. Plants with bright red or green leaves bring life into rooms while adding a touch of warmth to the décor. Coleus, Caladium, and Red Perilla are a few examples of plants with red and green leaves.
Coleus Colorful Shade Plants Easily Grown From Seed or Cuttings

Baby Rubber Plant. Botanical Name: Peperomia obtusifolia 'Alba'. This one is for those seeking a compact, low-maintenance, tropical-looking houseplant. The baby rubber plant has attractive green leaves and stems tinged with red when young. 13. Hardy Begonia. Botanical Name: Begonia grandis subsp. evansiana 'Alba'.
Red and Green Leaves on Bush Stock Photo Image of plant, leaves 66867108

The leaves of this plant are a beautiful mix of red and green, with each leaf featuring its own unique pattern. In its native habitat, Croton "Bush on Fire" can grow up to 10 feet tall. However, when grown as a houseplant, it will typically only reach a height of 2-3 feet.
Garden Plants Red Leaves Garden Plant

Practical considerations. Most plants with coloured foliage maintain their best colour in sun or dappled shade. In shadier parts of the garden variegated plants can be used to help to lift the mood.. Sometimes coloured plants may revert back to their original plain green colour; this is known as reversion.Reverted branches or shoots need to be removed before they take over and affect the.
Redandgreen Leafed Plants · Free Stock Photo

Maranta (Prayer Plants) The red prayer plant's green leaves are lined with red veins. The maranta leuconeura red has similar care needs to calathea, but tends to be a little less particular about its humidity and water purity. Like calathea, its green and red leaves fold up at night into a "praying position," then splay outwards again in.
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