Robert Downey Jr. and “Evolutionary Astrology” by Janni Oliver Medium

Robert Downey, Jr.'s birth chart reveals a dynamic and complex personality, shaped by a powerful Sun in Aries in the 9th house, indicating a life path marked by a quest for knowledge, adventure, and a strong sense of justice. The Moon in Taurus in the 10th house suggests a need for security and comfort, as well as a strong connection to his career and public image.

Robert Downey Junior How to successfully integrate your seesaw pattern COSMOS OF ASTROLOGY

Robert Downey Jr. - interpretation of your natal chart The interpretation of the horoscope boils down to combining the meaning of the four basic elements of astrology ( Planets , Signs , Aspects and Houses ) into one alloy, which, in fact, will be individual for everyone.

Robert Downey Jr.'s Astrology

Height: Robert Downey Jr. is 5' 8½" (1m74) tall. Pageviews: 323,076. But this powerful Moon-Jupiter conjunction also brings about an important and satisfactory family life. Beyond the glamorous veneer, this Aries-Leo with Fire planet is well-grounded (Taurus and Virgo) and enjoys the most simple pleasures above all.

Robert Downey Jr. Natal Chart & MBTI Type Zodiac Birthday Astrology

Downey is the younger of two children of Robert Downey Sr., an actor and independent filmmaker, and Elsie Ann (née Ford), an actress who appeared in Downey Sr.'s films. During his childhood, Downey had minor roles in his father's films. He made his acting debut at the age of five, playing a sick puppy in the absurdist comedy Pound (1970).

How To Read An Event Chart Astrology Chart Examples

Robert John Downey Jr. (born April 4, 1965) is an American actor. His career has included critical and popular success in his youth, followed by a period of substance abuse and legal troubles, and a resurgence of commercial success in middle age. For three consecutive years from 2012 to 2015, Downey has topped the Forbes list of Hollywood's.

Robert Downey Jr Natal Chart Famous Person

Born April 4, 1965 in New York City, New York (birth time unknown), Aries Robert Downey Jr. has been both blessed and cursed by the Warrior sign's strong presence in his chart. Mercury, his planet of self-expression, has been strengthened by its position in masculine, always-on-the-move Aries -- that's why Robert has a reputation for his quick.

Robert Downey Jr. Interview Avengers Iron Man Star, Hollywood Superhero Rolling Stone

Bio. Robert John Downey, Jr. (born April 4, 1965) is an American actor who made his screen debut at the age of five, appearing in his father Robert Downey, Sr.'s film Pound. Downey tops the Forbes list of Hollywood's highest-paid actors with an estimated $75 million in earnings between June 2012 and June 2013. image credit.

Robert Downey Jr. Natal Chart & MBTI Type Zodiac Birthday Astrology

Robert Downey Jr.'s Astrological Portrait Document generated on the website - Version 5.3. Robert Downey Jr.'s Astrological Portrait. Houses, Aspects, and Natal Chart Robert Downey Jr., born April 4, 1965, at 01:10 PM, Manhattan (New York), New York [73.59W ; 40.46N ; 5W00] Natal Planets In House Natal Houses (Placidus)

Birth Chart Robert Jr. Downey (Aries) Zodiac Sign Astrology

ROBERT DOWNEY JR. (See-Saw Pattern) Posted on October 10, 2016 December 12, 2017 by Andrew Ifandis. Sharing is caring: The see-saw astrology pattern in the natal chart can be very tricky, hinting to a personality that has contradictions, that sways from one extreme to another and of a person capable of making extraordinary achievements or.

Relocated Chart Basics Astrodienst

Robert Downey Jr. was born on April 4, 1965 in New York City, making our man an impulsive Aries sun, Mercury and Venus with a luxury loving Taurus moon. Jeffrey Colson/NYPost. In the world of.


This page is one of many thousand pages at Astrodienst's website. Get your free horoscope - and much more! Astrodienst AG in Zürich, Switzerland provides the world's best astrology site for free horoscopes, professional astrological reports and information about astrology.

Birth chart of Robert Downey Jr. Astrology horoscope

Horoscope and natal chart of Robert Downey Jr., born on 1965/04/04: you will find in this page an excerpt of the astrological portrait and the interpration of the planetary dominants.. Astrological Quadrants for Robert Downey Jr. Each quadrant is a combination of the four hemispheres of your birth chart and relates to a character typology.

Calista Flockhart and Robert Downey Jr. Partners, Partnership

There are also two slow-moving planets, Jupiter and Saturn, and three very slow-moving planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Born on April 4 1965 with a birthplace in Manhattan, New York United States, Fire is dominant in Robert Downey Jr.'s natal chart and bestowed on him energy, courage, intuition, and self-confidence. Sounds just about right.

Birth chart of Robert Downey Jr. Astrology horoscope

Birth chart of Robert Downey Jr. - Astrology horoscope for Robert Downey Jr. born on April 4, 1965 at 13:10 (1:10 PM). Astro-Seek celebrity database.

Robert Downey Jr., astro de 'Homem de Ferro', completa 56 anos

Know Robert Jr. Downey 2024 horoscope and Robert Jr. Downey 2024 astrology based on date of birth, time of birth and place of birth. chat_bubble_outline Chat with. Robert Jr. Downey's Birth Chart / Kundali Name: Robert Jr. Downey . Date of Birth: Apr 4, 1965 . Time of Birth: 13:9:59 . Place of Birth: 73 W 59, 40 N 46 .

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Robert John Downey Jr. is an American actor and producer. His career has been characterized by critical and popular success in his youth, followed by a period of substance abuse and legal troubles, before a resurgence of commercial success later in his career. In 2008, Downey was named by Time magazine among the 100 most influential people in.
