Prayer for Israel Poster (With images) Prayers, Jewish artists, Jewish art

The prayer below is composed by leaders of our Movement in Israel, Rabbis Simcha Roth ( z"l) and Michael Graetz: May He who blessed our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah bless the residents of the State of Israel who live under the daily threat of missiles of death and destruction.
Prayer For Israel & Jerusalem Protection Prayers For Israel and Jerusalem YouTube

Please God, bless the State of Israel. Protect it in the abundance of your love. Spread over it the shelter of your peace. Send forth your light and truth to those who lead and judge it, and to those who hold elective office. Establish in them, through your presence, wise counsel, that they might walk in the way of justice, freedom and integrity.
(PDF) The Prayer for the State of Israel Universalism and Particularism Dalia Marx דליה מרקס

A prayer for the welfare of the national government and its leaders has been part of the Jewish liturgy from ancient days. This tradition can be traced in practice to the daily sacrifices made in honor of Caesar at the end of the Second Temple period over 2,000 years ago.. The importance of praying for the welfare of the ruling body was established by the prophet Jeremiah after the first exile.
The Koren Childrens Siddur by Koren Publishers Jerusalem l Tefilla Education l Children's Siddur

Let them inherit salvation and life. And give peace to the land, and perpetual joy to its inhabitants. Appoint for a blessing all our kindred of the house of Israel in all the lands of their dispersion. Plant in their hearts a love of Zion. And for all our people everywhere, may God be with them, and may they have the opportunity to go up to.
Why this rabbi has stopped saying the Prayer for the State of Israel

The Prayer for the State of Israel was composed about four months after the establishment of the state. It was written by the two Chief Rabbis who were serving at the time: Rabbi Yitzhak Herzog and Rabbi Ben-Zion Chai Uziel. The prayer was added to the siddur and is recited on Shabbat and festivals. The prayer asks for blessings of success for.
Learn to Recite the Prayer for State of Israel YouTube

00:00. 00:00. God, our Strength and Protection, we pray for the State of Israel in this devastating time of war, shock and grief. Our hearts are breaking, God. We pray for the lives of the.
x Judaica Prayer For The State Of Israel Painting by Sandra Silberzweig

The familiar prayer for the State of Israel, which is more literally titled "a Prayer for Peace for the State" tefilah lish'lom hamedinah, was written in 1948 by Rabbi Yitsḥak haLevi Hertzog (edited by S.Y. Agnon) in what had up until then been Palestine, in a time of war. The state was under direct attack by the Arab armies, and there was little distinction between peace, survival.
SBC Prayer Guide for Israel Baptist Press

The Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel (Hebrew: תפילה לשלום המדינה) (lit. ' Prayer for the peace of the state '), also known as Avinu Shebashamayim (lit. ' Our father who art in heaven '), is a prayer said in most Jewish denominations in Israel and a lot of denominations in the Jewish Diaspora as part of the prayer service on Shabbat and Jewish holy days.
Americans Stand with Israel Video Prayers for Israel

Written by Anat Hoffman. My God, In this sacred moment, give us hope for Israel and her future. Renew our wonder at the miracle of the Jewish State. In the name of the pioneers who made the deserts bloom - give us the tools to cultivate a diversity of Jewish expression in Israel. In the name of our fallen soldiers - give us courage to stand up.
Prayer for the State of Israel in English and Hebrew Pray for Israel Masa Israel

Siddur Ashkenaz, Shabbat, Shacharit, Communal Prayers, Prayer of the State of Israel 1-13. (1) Avinu Shebashamim. (2) Rock and Redeemer of Israel. (3) Bless the State of Israel. (4) The start of flowering of Redemption. (5) Shield it with Your love. (6) Spread over it the shelter of Your peace. (7) Guide it's leaders and advisors with Your.
This rabbi didn't want to say the Prayer for Israel. So he rewrote it. The Forward

Prayer for the Peace of the State of Israel. Our God and the God of our fathers and mothers, The God of the Fear of Isaac, the God of Yael, God of the good spirit of Saul, God of Israel. Please, with the great force of Your right hand, For them, if not for you, Fence us with the boundaries of the sea, the east, north and south, Cover our skies.
Prayer for the State of Israel Reconstructing Judaism

These five prayers for the State of Israel, each written by a different T'ruah chaver, offer a variety of styles and emphases to supplement the more traditional prayers found in our siddurim. Rabbi David Seidenberg uses the format and much of the language of the traditional prayer, adapting it word-by-word to reflect a more progressive approach.
Mystery of who wrote the 'Prayer for the State of Israel' is finally solved The Times of Israel

English Prayer for the State of Israel. Our Father in Heaven, Rock and Redeemer of Israel, bless the State of Israel, the first manifestation of the approach of our redemption. Shield it with Your lovingkindness, envelop it in Your peace, and bestow Your light and truth upon its leaders, ministers, and advisors, and grace them with Your good.
Prayer for Welfare of State of Israel YouTube

In ceremonies marking Israel's 70th Independence Day around the Jewish world, the "Prayer for Peace in the State of Israel" will be recited in strong, solemn tones.
Day 47 A Prayer for Israel Restoration Seattle

The prayer for the State of Israel was introduced in 1948 by the Sephardic and Ashkenazic Chief Rabbis of the newly established State of Israel, namely Rabbis Ben-Zion Meir Hai Uziel and Yitzhak HaLevi Herzog. It was first published in the HaTzofe newspaper on September 20, 1948, and later in Haaretz..
Prayer for Israel by Derek Prince YouTube

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; may those who love you prosper! Let there be peace in your homes, safety within your borders. For the sake of my people, my friends, I pray you find peace. For the sake of the house of the Eternal our God, I will seek your good. (PSALM122:6-9) For the Israel Defense Forces.
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