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Mobile safety check inspections (previously called pink slips) are available for cars, motorcycles and trailers, including caravans. Mobile examiners are authorised in the same way as regular safety check providers, and submit your inspection report electronically to Transport for NSW. You can arrange a time and location that suits you.
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Search for an approved person to inspect and certify your vehicle modifications. Your search can include: For best results, search suburb or town and modification code. If you return no results, search another suburb or town close by or by the following regions: To find your region view the approved person region map.
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Our Roadworthy Certificate Near Me service can provide you with this. A Safety Certificate will take approximately 40-50 minutes. At the completion of the inspection a detailed written report will be issued. If the vehicle fails inspection, you have fourteen days to rectify the problem and call us back out for a re inspection.
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The mechanic will advise if there are any issues with your vehicle that prevent a Certificate of Inspection being issued. 2. Updating your certificate. When your Certificate of Inspection has been issued the mechanic will often submit a copy to Uber on your behalf. Otherwise you can upload a copy yourself at the below link. Upload document. 3.
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An approved inspection station (AIS) is approved by the Department of Transport and Main Roads to provide vehicle inspections to ensure vehicles meet minimum safety standards. An AIS may be approved to issue the following type of inspection certificates: safety certificates —for light vehicles (such as cars, motorcycles, trailers and caravans.
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Check the types of certificates issued by approved inspection stations, including fees for safety certificates, and certificates of inspection. Operating an approved inspection station Information for operators of an approved inspection station (AIS), including business rules and how inspection stations and their examiners are assessed.
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The roadworthy inspection covers the vehicle's key components and safety features to ensure its roadworthiness and only covers major safety-related items, such as: Wheels and tyres (rims, tyre tread and depth, etc.) Steering, suspension and brakes. Safety features (seats and seatbelts, mirrors, horn, etc.) Lights, light covers, indicators, etc.
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These safety checks are cheaper than other states, listed at $46 for a light vehicle (i.e. a passenger car) on the NSW Government site, and are more widely available - 585 inspection stations are.
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Roadworthy certification is vital when looking to buy or sell a vehicle of any kind. It is a process that may seem like just a piece of paper. However, it is of the highest importance when ensuring the safety of yourself, your loved ones and others utilising Australian roads. At ASAP Roadworthys, your time is valuable to us! Which is why we make the essential process of obtaining a mobile.
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If you have a non-standard vehicle, it will need to be inspected by a Vehicle Safety Compliance Certification Scheme (VSCCS) licensed certifier to ensure it complies with NSW vehicle safety standards. Non-standard vehicles include: some imported vehicles. Heavy vehicle modifications are inspected and assessed for compliance by VSCCS J&P certifiers.
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ASAP Roadworthys is the locals choice for a car safety certificate Gold Coast. Our mechanics are trusted experts when it comes to doing your mobile roadworthy in Gold Coast. They check the car from every aspect. This includes but is not limited to oil leaks, tyres, brakes, windscreen and much more.
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Car Safety Certificate Brisbane, Gold Coast - East Coast Mobile Safety Certificates. A Safety Certificate (formally known as a Roadworthy Certificate) will take approximately 40-50 minutes. At the completion of the inspection a detailed written report will be issued. If the vehicle fails inspection, you have fourteen days to rectify the.
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Our Driver Training Services. Academy of Road Safety is certified to provide a flexible TLI41222 - Certificate IV in Motor Vehicle Driver Training for upcoming Driving Instructors. We also provide professional non-accredited driver safety courses such as Workplace Safety, Defensive Driving, and Drug and Alcohol Awareness.
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In case of a private seller, the safety certificate is valid for 2 months or 2000kms, whichever comes first from the date the safety certificate is issued. With motor dealers, the safety certificate validity is either 3 months or 1000kms, whichever comes first from the date that the certificate is issued.
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Find A Program. The ASE Education Foundation strives to uphold quality and excellence in automotive service. It accredits qualified educational programs in schools (secondary and post-secondary) through its 5-Step Process, and offers student career development. Looking to find an ASE Accredited Training Program?
Car Safety

Quickly find your nearest safety inspection provider by entering your suburb or postcode below.
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