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Beer Store Return Locations link: Return Locations Locator. Should you encounter difficulty while returning any eligible containers, kindly bring the issue to the attention of The Beer Store at 1-888-948-2337 or [email protected]
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Ontario's glass beer-bottle return program is a success story. Through Beer Store locations, 98 per cent of the glass containers that are sold are brought back for reuse or recycling. But plastic bottles are another story. Every year in Canada's most populous province, a billion plastic bottles aren't recycled, according to Keith Brooks, campaigns director for Environmental Defence.
The Beer Store Everything you need to know about Ontario's lucrative monopoly The Globe and Mail

In 1970, through the Litter Act (designed to reduce the burden of litter control), British Columbia marked a world first by introducing a mandatory refund system for beer and soft drink cans and bottles: the world's first government legislated deposit return system. (This was later replaced in 1997 by the Beverage Container Stewardship Program Regulation, which is considered "best in class.
From Cans to Bottles to Pints Our Guide to the World of Beer Flipboard
The Beer Store's deposit return system began in 1927. Since then, it has recovered 75 billion beer bottles. In 2007, the province introduced the Ontario Deposit Return Program and The Beer Store expanded its recycling program to accept containers purchased at the LCBO and wineries for a refundable deposit of 10 or 20 cents.
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The amount of money you receive for returning beer bottles depends on several factors. However, in many places, the refund usually ranges from 5 to 15 cents per bottle.
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Beer firm hits out at bottle deposit scheme. 2 March 2023. Innis and Gunn. The founder of Innis and Gunn has questioned the legality of the deposit return scheme. One of Scotland's most.
Scaling a Beer Bottle After scaling a beer bottle, Minja t… Flickr

Revised: June 2019. The information in this guide will help beer tax collectors complete the Beer Return and Schedules to account for the Ontario beer tax and amounts on account of Ontario beer tax collectable and payable for the reporting period. It also provides information about filing requirements, supporting schedules, penalties for late.
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A. The Beer Store is the only place in Ontario you can get the iconic 2-4 (a pack of 24 cans or bottles), which means more savings for you — when you buy a 2-4, you can save an average of $9. Same goes for cans: The more you buy, the more you save. For specific pricing, we recommend you explore our beers online or check in with your local.
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A 2019 report for Reloop, a waste-focused NGO, argued that deposit-return and reforms to the blue-bin system would be two great tastes that taste great together. It's plausible that a deposit-return system could double the rate of non-alcoholic beverage containers diverted from landfill, though that's in part because Ontario's rates are.
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The Ontario Deposit Return Program (ODRP), also simply known as Bag it Back, is a regulation of the province of Ontario, Canada.. partly because "it already runs an efficient bottle-return program for beer bottles". For this, it receives 10 cents from the government per empty container collected.
Pin by Steve Dallas on I Drank That Beer bottle, Drinks, Beer

The Return It Process; Employee Information; Not Accepted; Select Page.. Beer Cans. Amount In Mega Bag: 1700. 10¢. Bottle of Wine > 1L. Amount In Mega Bag: 830. Glass Over 1L Alcoholic. Amount In Mega Bag: 830. Plastic Over 1L Alcoholic. Amount In Plastic Bag: 50. GRAND TOTAL $0.00.
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With over 1,000 brands in 400+ store locations and a strong ecommerce presence across Ontario, The Beer Store prevents just under 2 billion empty alcohol containers from entering landfill every year.
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Returning Empties. We are one of the few retailers in North America that takes back all the packaging we sell. Bottles, cans, kegs, cardboard packaging, bottle caps, plastic rings, you name it - if we sell it - we take it back. We also accept all empty containers under the Ontario Deposit Return Program, these include all alcoholic beverage.
Ontario has deposit returns for liquor bottles. Why not plastic?

With the introduction of the new bottles, over 40% of our beer sold through the shop, drive-through and home delivery will be in returnable, reusable containers. Here are some Q&As we hope clear up all of your questions, any other questions please email ( [email protected] ) or call us on 01628 476594. Enjoy the new bottles and of course.
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All containers collected by the beer store are recycled using the same services you use for home. The deposit is 5-15 cents. If you're really that concerned about the actual reason why they put a deposit, it was to prevent rubbish build up. They don't end up in recycling if you toss it in the garbage.
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Canada's beer bottle return system has been in existence for nearly a century. In Ontario, The Beer Store has been operating a circular system since 1927, and it has since expanded from bottle collection to other beverage alcohol containers, including aluminum cans and wine and spirit containers, including glass, Tetra Pak, and PET. In fact.
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